sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009

The 50 greatest British writers since 1945 –
n° 1: Philip Larkin

Summary biography:

Philip Larkin born on 9 August, 1922 in Convetry, England. He study in Oxford College in the years of Second World War.

Larkin’s first poems to be published in the Magazine The Listener in 1940, like “A Stone Church Damage By A Bomb” and “Mythological Introduction”. Six years late seems his novel “Jill”, one before “A Girl in Winter” is published. Only in 1950, in a small and particular print Larkin publish a collection of his poems. A book with the a collection of his poems only be published in commercial edition in 1955, under the title “The Less Deceived”, the book receive good critics and begin to foundation his reputation.

In 1965 Larkin is awarded to the prize Queen Gold Medal for Poetry, one year after he published “The Whitsun Weddings”. “High Windows” emerges in 1974, and fixing his reputation as a the greatest poets of English Literature.

James Orwin’s biography text of Larkin affirm: “'Aubade', his last great poem, was published in The Times Literary Supplement in December 1977. If this had been the only poem Larkin had ever written, his place in English poetry would still be secure.”

Certainly the recognition of Larkin geniality came in the last years of his life. Received many prize until his dead in 1985 for a cancer.

A poem for Philip Larkin :

Lambs that learn to walk in snow
When their bleating clouds the air,
Meet a vast unwelcome, know
Nothing but a sunless glare
Newly stumbling to and fro
All they find, outside the fold,
Is a wretched width of cold.
As they wait beside the ewe,
Her fleeces wetly caked, there lies
Hidden round them, waiting too,
Earth's immeasurable surprise.
They could not grasp it if they knew,
What so soon will wake and grow
Utterly unlike the snow.

Reference for the poem and Biography by James L. Orwin cited on Post:

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Abstract: Times 50th Greatest Crime Writers.

Abstract: Times 50th Greatest Crime Writers.

In few day ago TIMES published a list with the 50th major crime writer of ever. In the Firth position is Patricia Highsmith. She is a rule-breaking crime writer. Marcel Berlin’s definition. The Berlin’s reason for the affirmation can be understand in two ways. At firt, in fact, her crime novel is supremely. Her characters are amoral, seducer, and living deeply. Her stores breaking the traditional screenplay of crime novel, generally make for good and tormented cop, fight with yourself and against the crime and the sadist murder still in prison at end. Highsmith novels are quite different. At second, Highsmith is herself rule-breaking.

The creator of Tom Ripley, certainly her most famous character, lived a complex relation with mother, and many homosexual failed relationships. In certain way, Tom Ripley personality expresses same of these factors. Berlin’s critic pointing, the turning point of her novels, the crime emerges suspended of moral judgment, the idea beyond this is: “Any kind of person can murder. Purely circumstances and not a thing to do with temperament. People get so far - and it takes just the least little thing to push them over the brink. Anybody.” Is words of Patricia Highsmith.

Referece: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/global/article3773630.ece

Patricia Higsmith’s Books:

Editorial or What Is and Why The English Literature Mulish Reviewer?

1th Post

Editorial or What Is and Why The Mulish English Literature Reviewer?

The The Mulish English Literature Reviewer (MELR) is a macroscopic reviewer of English Literature on the Web. Mulish for given an opinion and, it a precarious, incomplete, tendentiously. How all review. It’s all of What.
Come to Why. I’m a Brazilian. I’m living in Brazil. And “ou dessu” I’m never go to USA or England. But I have Internet and a great curiosity about English literature – and some little erudition. With it I decide make to works; present English Literature to Brazilian and dialogue, in and with, Web English Literature.
I know which many things about this Blog and I still unknown for your reading this lines in front of monitor. However, I can make very little about it now.
Follow this Blog, comment, criticize. I hope no deception you for spend your live read me.
São Carlos - Brazil, 29 January 2009.