Kerouac Poetry
Kerouac and the Jazz Poem.
Kerouac one time named his poetry as jazz poem, and explained,

Kerouac poetry is very intensive and became famous his style to write under the title of “#chorus”. That the case, for example, of his series of Blues poems (which is recollected in the book The Book of Blues). Another example is your well knowledge Mexico City Blues . Many have appreciated his deep and long stand relation with many poets, the most famous one, obviously, Allen Ginsberg. With Ginsberg Kerouac write what become theirs firth novel And The Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tank , published only after Kerouac dead.
(Links $$ Books):

(Links $$ Books):

Mexico City Blues
- Most famous of Kerouac Poems Book.
The Book of Blues
- Collection with (quasi) all poem of Kerouac.
And the Hippos were boiled in their Tanks
The Book of Blues
And the Hippos were boiled in their Tanks