quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Kerouac Poetry

Kerouac Poetry
Kerouac and the Jazz Poem.

Kerouac one time named his poetry as jazz poem, and explained,

In my system, the form of blues choruses is limited by the small page of the breastpocket notebook in which they are written, like the form of a set number of bars in a jazz blues chorus, and so sometimes the word-meaning can carry from one chorus into another, or not, just like the phrase-meaning can carry harmonically from one chorus to the other, or not, in jazz, so that, in these blues as in jazz, the form is determined by time, and by the musician's spontaneous phrasing Sc harmonizing with the beat of the time as it waves & waves on by in measured choruses. It's all gotta be non stop ad libbing within each chorus, or the gig is shot.

Kerouac poetry is very intensive and became famous his style to write under the title of “#chorus”. That the case, for example, of his series of Blues poems (which is recollected in the book The Book of Blues). Another example is your well knowledge Mexico City Blues . Many have appreciated his deep and long stand relation with many poets, the most famous one, obviously, Allen Ginsberg. With Ginsberg Kerouac write what become theirs firth novel And The Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tank , published only after Kerouac dead.  
(Links $$ Books):

Mexico City Blues  - Most famous of Kerouac Poems Book.

The Book of Blues  - Collection with (quasi) all poem of Kerouac.

And the Hippos were boiled in their Tanks

Ginsberg – Kerouac Letters

domingo, 31 de julho de 2011

Martha Medeiros, or just like a woman.

Martha Medeiros, or just like a woman.
Martha Medeiros poems, Brazilian Contemporary Poetry
Martha Medeiros is a Brazilian poet who began publishing in the second half of the 80. His first book appeared in 1985 named, Strip-Tease. Since then many books have succeeded. His style is fast and straightforward, concise and humorous at same time. By Martha Medeiros unveils fleches fast the various moons of a normal middle class woman, with her adventures and misadventures in everyday urban life. Odd portrait of contemporary femininity, or, perhaps one face of it.
Her Books are: Strip-Tease (1985), Midnight and a Room (1987), Persona non Grata (1991) and Face Flushed (1995).
I’m think which her poetry is more interesting for the shadowed thematic exploited than its formal quality. In truth, the rime and spelling of her verse doesn’t represent any kind of innovation in Brazilian poetry tradition highly impacted for the movements “concretistas” e “neo-concretistas” which the great represents are Harold de Campus, Ferreira Gullar and Decio Pignatari.

sábado, 15 de janeiro de 2011

T. R. Hummer last poetry book

T. R. Hummer last poetry book: The infinity sessions