domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Literary Journals: The American Drivel Review: A Unified Field Theory of Wit

Literary Journals: The American Drivel Review: A Unified Field Theory of Wit

Is a quarterly independent publication of literary humor. Since 2004 The American Drivel Review have make smile and think. The literary humor is a way to contest our situation in world, the status quo, and show another ways to think. Have a fun second visiting the webpage of journal ( ). If you like have your quarterly cote of literary humor subscribe.

THE PULITZER PRIZES 2008 in POETRY - Philip Schultz


Philip Schultz is a prize-winner writer. In 2008 he awarded with Pulitzer for “Failure” (Harcourt). Schultz is a writing and teacher of fiction literature. He founded and direct The Writers Studio (go to:, a school for creative writing. I’m like very much his poems. See below for two picks on the Web publications.

Listen Philip Schultz read “Failure”: click here (


To pay for my father's funeral
I borrowed money from people
he already owed money to.
One called him a nobody.
No, I said, he was a failure.
You can't remember
a nobody's name, that's why
they're called nobodies.
Failures are unforgettable.
The rabbi who read a stock eulogy
about a man who didn't belong to
or believe in anything
was both a failure and a nobody.
He failed to imagine the son
and wife of the dead man
being shamed by each word.
To understand that not
believing in or belonging to
anything demanded a kind
of faith and buoyancy.
An uncle, counting on his fingers
my father's business failures—
a parking lot that raised geese,
a motel that raffled honeymoons,
a bowling alley with roving mariachis—
failed to love and honor his brother,
who showed him how to whistle
under covers, steal apples
with his right or left hand. Indeed,
my father was comical.
His watches pinched, he tripped
on his pant cuffs and snored
loudly in movies, where
his weariness overcame him
finally. He didn't believe in:
savings insurance newspapers
vegetables good or evil human
frailty history or God.
Our family avoided us,
fearing boils. I left town
but failed to get away.

Reference to “Failure”, Slate Magazine in:

by Philip Schultz
August 27, 2007 in The New Yorker

is this man sitting here weeping;
Why; Restaurants; Birthdays;
Age; Childhood; Baseball is this man sitting here weeping
in this swanky restaurant
on his sixty-first birthday, because
his fear grows stronger each year,
because he’s still the boy running
all out to first base, believing
getting there means everything,
because of the spiders climbing
the sycamore outside his house
this morning, the elegance of
a civilization free of delusion,
because of the boyish faces
of the five dead soldiers on TV,
the stoic curiosity in their eyes,
their belief in the righteousness
of sacrifice, because innocence
is the darkest place in the universe,
because of the Iraqis on their hands
and knees looking for a bloody button,
a bitten fingernail, evidence of
their stolen significance, because
of the primitive architecture
of his dreams, the brutal egoism
of his ignorance, because he believes
in deliverance, the purity of sorrow,
the sanctity of truth, because of
the original human faces of his wife
and two boys smiling at him across
this glittering table, because of
their passion for commemoration,
their certainty that goodness continues,
because of the spiders clinging to
the elegance of each moment, because
getting there still means everything?

Reference to “Why”: The New Yorker in:

For an interview with Philip Schultz (publish in Of(f) Course Journal in 2000 go to:

Information: Pulitzer Prizes enlarges participation of Online-Only Publications.

Information: Pulitzer Prizes enlarges participation of Online-Only Publications.

The PULITZER PRIZES 2009 include in all the categories of journalism prizes entries for Online-Only publications. This represent enlargement of participation for this kind of publication. In the last year the Online-only publication can contest only in two categories. However, in 2008 haven’t restrictions for local publication. In this year the Board decides for restriction for only USA web publication, and weekly.

The Board of The Pulitzer Prizes argues: "This is an important step forward, reflecting our continued commitment to American newspapers as well as our willingness to adapt to the remarkable growth of online journalism,". In another way the announced decisions represent also “the Pulitzer tent and recognize more fully the role of the Web, while underscoring the enduring value of words and of serious reporting.” Said Sig Gissler, administrator do the Prizes.

The winner and finalist of PULITZER 2009 are announces in April 20th, at 3:00pm.



quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

How the web is undermining reading

Abstract and Comments for:

How the web is undermining reading From Plato to Guitar Hero, we have always been wary of change - but the internet poses a serious threat to society's ability to read

By Naomi Alderman,
Tuesday 20 January 2009 12.00 GMT

Naomi Alderman in this article seems very preoccupy with the impact of the Web in reading. She argues, in like manner TV make a fall in reading habit a long 20th century, now Web can deeply this tendency. Naomi Alderman say: “Recent studies have indicated that online reading tends to break down in the face of ‘texts that require steady focus and linear attention’.” The “recent studies” cited are the Jakob Nielsen, discussed in article of Chronicle Review (reference: ) subscribe for Mark Bauerlein.

I think which Naomi Alderman is exaggerated in her preoccupation. The habit of reading, in my own view, increase within internet. And write too. The phenomenon of exponential increase of quantity of Blog is an aspect of it. The reading/writing process will be deeply transformed in the Web age. And each time more, but this transformation is not a disfiguration of the intellectual powers of people, as seems in Naomi Alderman article. Is a different way of those.



Literary Magazine – THIS

Literary Magazine – THIS: because everything is political.

THIS is a Canadian Magazine, based on Political and Cultural matters. Good Magazine, we strong recommend. In the last edition (January/February) THIS publish a selection on Fiction and Poetry. John Lavery take “The Bitter Warmth”, a tale. The magazine publish more two poems of Matthew Tierny (The Eclipse Chaser and Admittance) and more two by Suzanne Robertson (Flying and To the Point). In this literary selection the most impact text is Flying by Robertson. I’m very recommend this poem for reading. For those can be confer click in the link below:

Two poems

Poetry by Matthew Tierny
The Eclipse Chaser
In :

Two poems

Poetry by Suzanne Robertson
To the Point
In :

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009

Technorati Profile

T. S. Eliot e-Book: Poems 1909-1925

T. S. Eliot e-Book: Poems 1909-1925

Link for Download:
License: Public Domain in U.S.
Publication Year: 1920
File Format: .pdf
Pages: 128.

T. S. Eliot – on
Collectede Poems

The Waste Land

The Waste Land and others poems

E-Book: W. B. YEATS – Biography by Joseph Hone

E-Book: W. B. YEATS – Biography by Joseph Hone

Link for Download:
License: Public Domain in U.S.
Publication Year: -
File Format: .pdf
Pages: 541.

Other Biographies for sale on

James Joyce: Ulysse e-Book.

James Joyce: Ulysse e-Book.

You can be downloading the revolutionary romance of James Joyce, Ulysses. For Free!!! The link to the pdf file is:

Other books of James Joyce:

Outros livros de James Joyce:

A portrait of the artist as young.

Download the A portrait of the artist as young, Free in:

Finnegans Wake

George Pelecanos Website

George Pelecanos Website

The prizewinner American writer George Pellecanos have a interesting Website: in ) Many information about his work and biography can be found on it. The website designer is Jeferson Rabb, famous for your site for The DaVinci Code. However the complexity of The DaVinci Code’s Website the Pellecanos one is very simple and functionality. Very funny things about Pellecanos private life is publish in site. Come on:

George Pelecanos Performance in 25-01-2009
Video on YouTube :

George Pelecanos (1957 D.C. Washington - )

George Pelecanos (1957 D.C. Washington - )

Publish his first book in 1992 (A Firing Offense), since Pelecanos wrote 15 novels. The atmosphere of his novels is like a 1960’s films noir. All stores take place in Washington D.C., and around. But the Washington presented for Pelecano’s novel is not that of White House, is the Washington of real Washingtonians, which of violence, suburbs, blacks, immigrants and prostitution.

Hell to Pay

Soul Circus

Trilogy (com Soul Circus e Hell to Pay):

George Pelecanos Website -

One to read :The Turnaround

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2009

How Not to Write a Novel


The Sunday Times review
by Lynne Truss

The teaching of creative writing just entered a whole new era with the publication of How Not to Write a Novel. Heavens, what a joy this book is.

In “How Not to Write a Novel” two young American writers, Sandra Newman and Howard Mittelmark, aiming identify 200 mistakes made by unpublished fiction writers. The works is make in very funny way picking illustrations examples.

Those are qualified to write this book for yours experience in publishing market. Available and teaching unpublished writers.
Same of yours indication are like there:
“Novels are seldom rejected because the characters are described too well.” “When there is a plan, things cannot go according to it.” “In most novels a pet should have about as high a profile as an armchair.” “Heroes should not masturbate or ogle strangers in the first three chapters.”
For me the book seems like a self-help writer guide and like those I’m not much interested in it. But, who is: “How NOT to Write a Novel” by Sandra Newman and Howard Mittelmark. From the introduction to How Not to Write A Novel:

Dying to get published
"Unpublished authors often cite the case of John Kennedy Toole, who, unable to find a publisher for his novel, A Confederacy of Dunces, took his own life. Thereafter, his mother relentlessly championed the book, which was eventually published to great acclaim and earned him a posthumous Pulitzer prize for fiction.
Yes, we say, that is a strategy, but it is a strategy that demands a remarkable level of commitment from the author's mother, and an even greater commitment from the author. And, of course, it puts a serious crimp in the book tour. But even more to the point, it will work only if you have in fact written a masterpiece that awaits only the further enlightenment of the publishing industry and the reading public to receive the treatment it deserves.
If this is the case, we are no good to you. If there is, however, any chance that your writing could stand some improvement, we can help."