quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

Literary Magazine – THIS

Literary Magazine – THIS: because everything is political.

THIS is a Canadian Magazine, based on Political and Cultural matters. Good Magazine, we strong recommend. In the last edition (January/February) THIS publish a selection on Fiction and Poetry. John Lavery take “The Bitter Warmth”, a tale. The magazine publish more two poems of Matthew Tierny (The Eclipse Chaser and Admittance) and more two by Suzanne Robertson (Flying and To the Point). In this literary selection the most impact text is Flying by Robertson. I’m very recommend this poem for reading. For those can be confer click in the link below:

Two poems

Poetry by Matthew Tierny
The Eclipse Chaser
In : http://www.thismagazine.ca/issues/2008/09/twopoems_mt.php

Two poems

Poetry by Suzanne Robertson
To the Point
In : http://www.thismagazine.ca/issues/2008/09/twopoems_sr.php

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