quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Editorial or What Is and Why The English Literature Mulish Reviewer?

1th Post

Editorial or What Is and Why The Mulish English Literature Reviewer?

The The Mulish English Literature Reviewer (MELR) is a macroscopic reviewer of English Literature on the Web. Mulish for given an opinion and, it a precarious, incomplete, tendentiously. How all review. It’s all of What.
Come to Why. I’m a Brazilian. I’m living in Brazil. And “ou dessu” I’m never go to USA or England. But I have Internet and a great curiosity about English literature – and some little erudition. With it I decide make to works; present English Literature to Brazilian and dialogue, in and with, Web English Literature.
I know which many things about this Blog and I still unknown for your reading this lines in front of monitor. However, I can make very little about it now.
Follow this Blog, comment, criticize. I hope no deception you for spend your live read me.
São Carlos - Brazil, 29 January 2009.

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